The REDAPTA project, “Spaces of Governance for the Adaptation to Global Change in Mediterranean Rivers”, developed its activities simultaneously in the Tordera (Catalonia) and Serpis (Valencia Region) river basins. The project worked in collaboration with two “spaces of governance” in the two basins: the “Taula del Delta i de la Baixa Tordera” and the “Plataforma Ciutadana per a la Defensa del Riu Serpis”. The methodology used aimed at fostering knowledge exchange and deliberation, delivering an adaptation strategy for the basins including ten measures co-produced with stakeholders. The second result of the REDAPTA project is a handbook describing the concepts and approach used, the main methodological steps of the co-design process and the lessons learned during its implementation. To raise awareness and showcase the importance of public engagement in river monitoring, field visits were organised in the Tordera and the Serpis rivers, including capacity building activities. The participants were able to get to know a river stretch and, by using digital tools developed by the project teams, they could record some observations and indicators for a basic characterisation. Finally, aiming to promote this innovative approach, the project encouraged the exchange of experiences between different organisations in a specific seminar and explored their interest in creating an “Iberian Network of Spaces of Governance for Water Management”.
Governance spaces for adaptation to global change in Mediterranean rivers: the REDAPTA project in the basins of the Tordera and Serpis rivers
Broekman, A. • Garófano-Gómez, V. • Martínez-Capel, F. • Sánchez-Plaza, A.
Adaptation, Climate change, Co-design, Governance, Multi-sector platform